Lea Letzel
Hessische Kulturstiftung Residency
Lea Letzel is a multimedia artist, director and pyro-technician living and working in Cologne and Reykjavik. Her artistic practice concentrates on the development of interdisciplinary scenic and performative work at the intersection of sound and music, media arts, dance and space .
Lea is especially interested in the concert format and questions around the conditions and conventions of performance situations. The relationship between art and music is examined as her works are produced and performed in different forums, between galleries, theatre spaces and music venues. Her visual and acoustic material is equally versatile and indeterminate, moving between pyrotechnical elements and soundscapes.
Lea has participated in international exhibitions and performances at Witte de With, Rotterdam; Maschienhaus Essen; Theater Duisburg; Philharmony Duisburg; Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Bonner Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung, Bonn; FrankfurtLAB, Frankfurt am Main; Acht Brücken Festival, Köln; Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg; PACT Zollverein, Essen.
Hessische Kulturstiftung, Germany
Acme has managed a residency programme on behalf of Hessische Kulturstiftung since 1995, located on Lyal Road, Bow, E3. Residencies are awarded to artists for a period of 12 months, and the size of the accommodation enables the artist to bring their family or dependents for the length of residency. Based in a residential area populated by many artists, the house is well situated for access to other arts spaces and central London. Residencies are open to all artists from Germany. Applications and selection are dealt with directly by Hessische Kulturstiftung.
For more information visit hkst.de