Julia Peirone
Julia Peirone is a photographer living and working in Stockholm. Julia’s images are populated by girls and young women who we see without the disguise of poised gestures and facial expressions, but rather in un-self-conscious quests for identity. Julia’s photographs celebrate the strength contained in this vulnerability, capturing the frustration that young women experience in the face of certain societal ideals. Her works have a proximity to the moving image, placing the off-screen preparations, failures and re-takes in front of the camera.
Recent solo exhibitions in Sweden include: Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simrishamn (2018); Kalmar Konstmuseum (2018); Göteborgs Konstmuseum (2017); Belenius Galleri, Stockholm (2016); and Galleri Format, Malmö (2016). Julia has also exhibited internationally, showing work at Belmacz Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery in London, Aperture Foundation in New York, and at the Lianzhou International Photo festival. Her works are represented in the collections of Moderna Museet, Kiasma and Göteborgs Konstmuseum.
Iaspis, Sweden
Iaspis is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's International Program supporting international exchange for practitioners in the areas of visual art, design, craft and architecture. Iaspis' activities aim to enable professionals to develop artistically and improve their working conditions by establishing international contacts between practitioners and professionals such as curators and critics and others active in the field.